Communicate Effectively At Work With These 7 Powerful Words

By Chelsea Babin

Whether you’re collaborating with a coworker, communicating with a client, or having a conversation with your boss using the right words in the workplace can make all of the difference. Get the help you need, the support you want, or just an open ear and open mind by using these 7 powerful words.

1. You: This word, though simple and frequently used, shows that you have compassion and empathy for others. This word is so effective that multiple studies have ranked it the most powerful word in the English language. The only way you can top it is by adding that person’s name into the sentence as well as using the word you.

2. Imagine: Getting someone to picture what you’re talking about or see beyond the supposed limitations of a situation can be difficult and yet one little word can help them along the way. Using the word imagine expands the mind and really helps when you’re collaboratively problem solving on the job.

3. Because: From connecting cause and effect to adding a more detailed view of every scenario, the word because is an important part of effective communication at work because it answers questions before they’re asked and helps people connect both logically and emotionally.

4. Act: Reminding your clients and bosses that you’re focusing on taking action is reassuring. Using the word act in collaborative situations reminds everyone to focus and divide broad concepts into actionable steps. Essentially, the word act is an important one to throw around in almost every conversation on the job if you want it to be more effective.

5. Believe: Letting others know you believe in them or you believe in their ideas has a remarkably inspiring effect that can boost productivity and generate positive feelings. Also, letting others know what you believe can be done within a certain time frame rather than automatically guaranteeing it allows you to remain honest in uncertain or new situations.

6. Now: Everyone wants everything to happen right now. However, throwing the word now around for every situation could lead to a loss in meaning for people who regularly speak to you. Instead, employ this powerful word only when things are actually priorities if you want it to boost the effectiveness of your communication at work.

7. Guaranteed: When you know something will happen or you can get something done, using the word guaranteed puts others at ease and helps them trust your words (but only if you follow through). Use this one carefully but, in the right situation, remember how powerful it can be!

Being an effective communicator on the job is essential in almost every modern day position. When you know which scenarios require these 7 powerful words and what effect they can have, you can use them to your advantage and become a more effective communicator at work!