Using Kubernetes in Enterprise Environments is Getting Easier

Kubernetes will never be simple and it isn’t intended for simplicity. However, companies and technical professionals alike don’t need to look at it as too complex to get into. Instead, a shift of perspective to look at Kubernetes as a toolbox can help. Sure, if you look at all of the possible parts versus a current monolithic codebase, there’s a lot of complexity. Kubernetes supports umpteen Cloud providers, volume providers, networking stacks while containing a whole swathe of bootstrapping tools for various environments. But, Kubernetes itself is quite simple, the complexity comes from the operational part when all of the pieces come together. Depending on the environment you’re in, this complexity may or may not seem worth the effort.

For example, it’s no secret that Kubernetes has provided a lot of challenges in enterprise environments for local container-based development. While this problem isn’t entirely solved, Google’s upcoming expanded container service could help untangle some of the complications involved.

According to Tech Crunch, GKE Advanced will be a step up from its current GKE offering that provides a managed service for running containers on its platform. This new version introduces additional security tools and new automation features in the hopes of wooing more high-end enterprise users to the platform. They’ve taken what they’ve learned from running a complex container infrastructure internally for years and packaged it for other enterprises to use. Plus, GKE Advanced offers a financially backed SLA which promises 99.95% guaranteed availability for regional clusters.

And, while a lot of Kubernetes experts are fine with the hassle of managing clusters themselves, scaling that up to an enterprise-level is an ambitious technical feat that’s not for the faint of heart. Though GKE Advanced pricing hasn’t been announced yet, high level enterprise organizations who are having a hard time finding technical professionals with an in-depth, advanced knowledge of Kubernetes may welcome this new offering with open arms.

In the meantime, technical professionals everywhere are expanding their knowledge of Kubernetes and similar tools like OpenSource to meet increasing containerization demands at companies across the country. If you’re a technical professional interested in expanding your knowledge in this area, keeping up to date on Google’s new GKE Advanced as more details emerged can give you a glimpse at where this technology is moving and which tools in Kubernetes’ toolbox are the most important to know how to use. Eventually Kubernetes will lose its reputation as too complex to deal with and, in the meantime, passionate technologists will pursue it anyways.