Why work with Camden Kelly?
Why work with a recruiter: the classic question. Working with a recruiter who specializes in the roles you're hiring for (in our case, technology professionals) is the key to filling your roles with excellent new team members--and filling those roles far faster and more easily than you could imagine.
Companies like yours outsource talent acquisition so they can focus on growing the business, rather than interviewing and selecting potential hires on your own time (thus squandering your valuable time and energy).
Instead, you let Camden Kelly pre-screen every candidate, long before their resumes hit your desk. We ensure we only represent the most qualified technology professionals. We send you the best people for your jobs, and you stop sifting through endless unqualified resumes.
Why Camden Kelly over another staffing firm?
Simple: Our signature Focused Expertise. We understand the challenges facing our clients and the technology community, and how to overcome the obstacles. Don't take our word for it--check out what people are saying about us.
Some recruitment approaches involve bombarding you with "qualified" candidates--not us. We only procure the best and most suited to the details we gain from you on your open roles.
Our teams are trained extensively to cater unmatched expertise to both clients and candidates. When you work with a Camden Kelly Recruiter, you get a tech expert, staffing professional and career coach, all in one. Our singular focus lets us attract and retain elite technology professionals and work with organizations that require specialized technology recruitment services.
How quickly can you fill my request?
Immediately. Like, yesterday. Our recruiters pride themselves in their dedicated, unconventional search and placement techniques. The team will quickly pinpoint candidates with every component you need for an immediate, valuable addition to your organization.
We pay attention to the needs of both candidates and clients. Camden Kelly Recruiters are unmatched in this approach: We utilize targeted, premier recruiting strategies to hone in on only the best possible fits for each role we fill.
Who pays the Contractors?
Camden Kelly pays all contractors based on hours worked.
What if I want to hire my Contractor full-time?
We understand how difficult it can be to find the perfect new team member, so this is a great problem to have. Our contract-to-hire service allows clients to hire on a "try before you buy" basis: Candidates work for a specified period of time on our payroll and allows clients to directly assess their work performance prior to hire.
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