6 Sure-Fire Ways to Make a Great First Impression

By Chelsea Babin

Some of the world’s top researchers have looked into the science behind making a great first impression. Whether you’re going out for an interview or meeting an important coworker or network connection, first impressions can really jump-start or halt your career progress. Here are 6 sure-fire, well-researched ways to ensure that you make a great first impression.

1. Put your belongings away: It’s not just phones (although those are the most common culprits), having any of your belongings distracting you or occupying your interest when you’re attempting to make a positive first impression can derail your efforts. Make sure your hands and attention are free and clear from your belongings so you can focus on the people in front of you.

2. Be early and put together: When you arrive and how you look are two factors in a first impression that cannot be ignored. Showing up to an interview or meeting around 15 minutes before is appropriate, polite, and always well appreciated. Additionally, making sure you’re put together and not wearing anything that would detract from your message or personality is incredibly important because you want to put your best foot forward when making a first impression.

3. Listen more than you speak: Although this doesn’t always feel natural n an interview, doing your best to listen more than you speak when you’re making a first impression makes you seem engaged, trustworthy, and reliable. Listening is a skill that so many people forget to polish but, if you can listen well and remember what you hear you’ll have a much more effective conversation and make a positive first impression.

4. Focus on what you can provide not on what you can get: A lot of times first impressions can lead to great career opportunities but, when you focus on what you can get when making a first impression rather than what you can provide your first impression may fall flat. Always focus mentally and in the conversation on what you can provide over what you can get if you want to make the best first impression possible.

5. Set self-importance aside: People who are stuffy, pretentious, or self-important are seldom people who make great first impressions. The truth is having an air of self-importance doesn’t make you seem impressive and it often leaves the people you’re meeting put off, irritated, or uncomfortable. In order to avoid making this impression, do your best to recognize the accomplishments and efforts of others while listing your own accolades.

6. Choose your words wisely: The words you use can greatly impact other people’s attitudes. If your words seem negative when they could be rephrased in a positive manner they may give off a negative impression. So, make sure to frame your job responsibilities in an interview as something you got to do rather than something you had to do. Choose positive words as often as possible and avoid negativity when possible.

The ability to make a great first impression is an under appreciated skill but one that can be so valuable to your career advancement. With these 6 sure-fire ways to make a great first impression you’ll do well in all of your upcoming interviews, meetings, and networking events!