Camden Kelly Blog

6 Changes You Should Make to Your LinkedIn Profile
Most people pay their LinkedIn pages very little attention until they’re in the middle of a job search, and then they realize it doesn’t represent them well. Whether you want...

5 Habits & Beliefs Holding You Back at Work
If the daily grind has started to feel more strenuous than ever, you may have some habits and beliefs that are holding you back at work. If you want to...

Refresh Your Resume with These 5 Easy Steps
Need to refresh your resume? If it’s been a while, your resume may have grown stale and less effective. Whether you’ve been out of the job search circus for a...

8 Tips for Disconnecting From Work When You’re Off the Clock
If you don’t want to burn out, you may need to spend less of your free time focused on work. But, if you’re having a hard time disconnecting from work,...

How to Ace a Panel Interview
While one-on-one interviews may seem easier to prepare for, a lot of companies are focusing more on panel interviews. Why? Because a panel interview gives your potential employer a wider...

The 3 Valuable Benefits That Often Go to Waste
The benefits your company offers are a part of your compensation. So why do so many Americans let their best benefits go to waste? Whether you want to increase your...

Become a Highly Effective Professional with these 6 Tips
You don’t just want to get things done, you want to get the right things done. You’re ready to add to your list of accomplishments and work smarter, not harder....

8 Ways to Prepare for Your Annual Review
Most companies choose to do annual reviews at the end of the year or at the beginning of the year. Unfortunately, the time leading up to these annual reviews also...

4 Reasons DFW is Such a Strong Tech Company Magnet
DFW, or Dallas Fort Worth, is a large metroplex that is often seen as business-friendly across the board. However, DFW is turning into a strong tech company magnet every day....

How Fun Competition Can Improve Your Career
If you’re eager to motivate yourself, your coworkers, and improve your career it may be time to implement a little more fun competition into your workplace. Why? Here are three...