Camden Kelly Blog

Improve Your Remote Work Habits With These 3 Tactics
Looking to improve your remote work habits so you can get the most out of your current job and prepare yourself for an awesome career ahead of you? Try using...

Yes, Personalized Notes Still Matter
Personalized notes can propel your career forward, yes even in a time where remote work is at an all time high and people are social distancing. While letter writing may...

5 Signs of a Time Wasting Task That Will Ruin Your Productivity
Are you worried that you’re wasting too much of your time at work on tasks that, ultimately, aren’t that important? If you’re required to do something, you do it. But...

Benefits of Encouraging Employees to Give Back
Wouldn’t you love to have a team that's happier, healthier, more empathetic? It’s easy to get caught up in our own little worlds, the every day stresses or the constant...

How to Tackle Your Job Search During a Pandemic
A global pandemic wasn't on the calendar for 2020, yet here we are trying to navigate our new normal of social distancing and staying at home. This can be extremely...

How To Knock Technical Screening Out of the Park
As IT professionals we realize that technical screenings are a big part of the interviewing process. Technical interviews can be a serious cause of anxiety for several different reasons. From...

Fewer Distractions and More Breaks Will Make You More Productive
Despite what you may have been told, working for 10 hours straight is not as productive as working for 8 hours or less in 50-minute increments. While many employers are...