Camden Kelly Blog
3 Ways to Keep Minor Tasks From Becoming Major Productivity Problems
By Chelsea Babin When you’re looking to improve your work/life balance, finding small ways to amp up your productivity is a great strategy for getting your work done on time....
Improve Your Body Language in 5 Easy Steps
By Chelsea Babin From interviews to client meetings, from coworker collaborations to annual reviews, your body language says a lot about you. If you don’t take the time to notice...
5 Toxic Personalities to Avoid at Work
By Chelsea Babin Coworkers play a big role in our day-to-day work lives and, if they’re less than ideal, they can take what would otherwise be a fantastic job and...
Five Questions You Need to Ask To Improve Your Time Management Skills
By Chelsea Babin Time management: It's not always easy. Many IT and technology professionals are struggling to balance increased workloads because their employers can’t find enough talent to handle their...

Five Ways to Improve Brainstorming Sessions
Your boss wants you to come up with a few innovative website updates. But you’re stuck staring at a blank page. You want to start a side project. But you’re...
How to Use A Paper Notebook to Increase Your Professionalism
By Chelsea Babin In our fast-paced, high-tech world, paper notebooks are often forgotten about or relegated to elementary aged children. What if I told you that (temporarily) ditching some of...

Why You Don’t Want Your Job Interview To Go Smoothly
By Chelsea Babin If you’ve got a case of the pre-interview jitters it may be because you’re feeling unprepared or you’re worried that the interview won’t go smoothly. But, is...
IT Employment Should Reach the 5 Million Mark Before the End of 2015
By Chelsea Babin Thanks to increasing demand and steady growth, the IT industry is staring down the barrel of an important milestone that should be reached before the end of...