Camden Kelly Blog

6 Ways You Can Learn on the Job Without Official Training Programs
A lot of companies have done away with their official training programs. And, while some are making up for it by offering benefits like tuition reimbursement, free conferences, course subscriptions...
3 Important Timing Rules to Keep in Mind During Job Interviews
By Chelsea Babin Interviewing for a new job comes with a lot of rules, things to keep in mind, and pressure to present yourself in the best light. One thing...

5 Ways to Overcome the Fear of Failure at Work
Most of us know that, if we want to get anywhere in life, we need to be willing to take risks, take chances, and occasionally fail. As long as we...
Massive Growth in Technical Jobs in 2017 Expected to Continue in 2018
By Chelsea Babin Vacant jobs in the national technology sector are a dime a dozen according to a new report from CompTIA. There were 2.8 million new technology job postings...

5 Ways a Do Not Do List Could Improve Your Productivity at Work
To do lists of varying shapes and sizes are lauded as some of the most effective productivity hacks a professional can find. You probably use them in one form or...
10 Ways to Encourage Project Ownership and Deep Investment In Your Company
By Chelsea Babin When your top technical talent feels truly invested in your company’s mission, they’ll take project ownership, be more inclined to stay for the long term, and share...