Camden Kelly Blog

How to be Successful at Your Entry-Level IT Job
We all have to start somewhere and, for most of us, being new to the workforce means taking an entry-level job. Starting out at the bottom of the food chain...

10 Tips to Improve Your Health In the Tech Workplace
As technology advances, there are increasing numbers of tech startups founded to improve your health. Recent studies have alarmed full-time workers of the dangers of sitting all day, eating processed...

8 Things to Consider When You’re Job Hunting
Finding a job you love is a process. And, if you don’t know what you’re looking for, you may find yourself in a position you don’t love. Avoid this common...

5 Ways to Bounce Back From a Failure at Work
One thing no one wants to discuss is a failure at work. Sometimes you’re confronted with a challenge and you make the wrong decision. Sometimes you miss a deadline or...

How to Turn Down a Job Offer
With the IT market flooded with opportunities, many Information Technology professionals are having to turn down a job offer. Whether the position doesn’t seem like the right fit for you...