Camden Kelly Blog

5 Tips to Help You Ace Your Technology Interview
Being able to ace your technology interview is about being prepared and confident. With these five tips, you'll be able to walk into your next interview with the knowledge and...

Best 5 Soft Skills for Tech Professionals
You need 5 soft skills to really thrive in technology roles. As the world increasingly relies on technology, the demand for tech professionals has never been higher. And soft skills...

5 Tips For Improving Your Work-Life Balance
How to balance work and life is tough: It seems like there's never enough time in the day to get everything done, and your work-life balance suffers. And, when you're...

What to Do If You Don’t Like Your New Job
What to do if you don't like your new job? It's a familiar story: you land a new job, and it's not what you thought it would be. Maybe the...

9 Ways to Build Strong Remote Work Culture
Using Virtual Teams for Strong Remote Work Culture You need to build a strong remote work culture for your team--but how do you do that when your team is all...

5 Tips to Make Learning Part of Everyday Work
Learning new things can be challenging. Whether you're trying to learn a new programming language or picking up a new soft skillset, it's easy to get overwhelmed and give up....