3 Home Habits That Could Lead to Success At Work
Everyone is talking about how you can improve your work/life balance but very few people are discussing how habits in your life can positively or negatively affect your work. From the food you eat to the amount of sleep you get, your life habits can drastically improve or jeopardize your success at work. Want to make sure you’re implementing some habits in your personal life that can lead to success on the job? Try these 3 things!
1. Time to Read: No matter what your job is, recent studies have proven that making the time to read leads to more success at work. For example, in 2013 a team of neuroscientists at Emory University found that reading a novel can improve brain function. Another recent study from the University of Liverpool showed that just 30 minutes of reading a week can improve your mood. From boosting self-esteem to improving sleep, making the time to read in your personal time can lead to massive improvements in your state of mind on the job, which can lead to success.
2. Write Down Your Goals: From long-tern goals to daily to-do lists, turning the things you want to do into cemented, written word has proven beneficial both on and off the job. When you don’t write your goals down, they feel less concrete and your commitment to them may waiver. However, when you write down goals and to-do lists you’ll feel more organized and productive at work as well as more driven to do what needs to be done to reach your long-term goals.
3. Alone Time: You use technology on the job all day, you use technology at home all night. You’re surrounded by people all day at work, you’re surrounded by people in your free time. Making some time for alone, quiet time can reboot your brain, help you properly unwind, and help you perform better when you’re back at work. Whether you need to work through complex problems or you need some time to clear your mind from workplace stresses, alone time can help you accomplish this and set you up for success on the job!
No matter how much you’d like to keep your work life and your home life separate, there are areas where they’re inevitably entwined. Adopting these 3 habits in your personal time can help you have more success when you’re on the job. This could lead to recognition, raises, promotions, and more!