3 Ways to Pump Up Your Confidence Before an Interview

By Chelsea Babin

You’ve researched the company, picked out a great interview outfit, and prepared thoroughly for your upcoming interview. But, for some reason, you’re still not feeling confident. Interviews can be stressful and nothing will shake your confidence quite as much as being stressed out and then having to talk about yourself. Pump up your confidence before your interview in one or more of these 3 helpful ways.

1. Make an Accomplishments, Skills, and Ambitions List: Nothing boosts your confidence quite like seeing your accomplishments, skills, and ambitions written out and all in one place. Make a list of all three of these things and you’ll be reminded of what you have accomplished, what you can do, and what you’re working towards in life. This will help hype you up and put you in a confident headspace before your interview.

2. Brag To Yourself in the Mirror: Need a little more of a confidence boost after you make your list? Sit down in front of the mirror and tell yourself why you deserve the job. Tell yourself how impressive your accomplishments are and say them out loud. While this practice may feel a little cheesy or uncomfortable, you’ll be able to see the difference in your face and get comfortable talking about yourself before the interview actually starts.

3. Set the Tone: Whether you prefer inspiring podcasts and audiobooks or a motivating playlist, set the tone on the way to your interview by listening to something that will help boost your confidence.

If you can go into an interview confidently, you’re more likely to come out of it with a job offer. Use these 3 methods for boosting your confidence before your next interview!