Avoid This Job-Hunting Time Waster
Whether you’re exploring the idea of leaving your current company or you’re unemployed and actively looking for a job, the time you spend job hunting is precious. Make the most of it by applying only to jobs you’re qualified for.
If a job ad asks for 10 years of ASP.NET experience and you have 3, this may not be the position for you. If a job ad insists on a 4-year degree and you don’t have one, it’s time to move on to the next opportunity. Instead of spamming your resume to any opportunity you find, focus your energy on the positions you qualify for.
That being said, many employers’ first job ad will list extensive requirements, some of which are just preferences rather than requirements. Sift through the ad and identify what qualities are emphasized. Anything that is repeated throughout or listed as a must have should be treated as such. Usually, this will narrow the requirements to a more realistic batch and you can fully assess whether or not you’re qualified for that position.
You’ll save a ton of time by not applying for positions that are wrong for your skillset and experience. Use that time to spruce up your resume, write personalized cover letters and post-interview thank you notes, and study up on cutting edge technologies. These habits will be a much better use of your job hunt time in the long run!