Camden Kelly Blog
8 Things You Can Do Now to Improve Your End of Year Raise
By Chelsea Babin As the year begins to wind down, your employer is probably beginning to evaluate your overall annual performance and crunch the numbers to see how that will...
5 Steps for Creating a Better Pro/Con List for Important Decisions
By Chelsea Babin Whether you’re weighing a new job opportunity against your current one, trying to decide which direction to pivot in your career, or working on a specific project...
10 Scary Consequences of Hiring the Wrong IT Employee (and How to Avoid Doing That)
Let’s face it, not everyone is a good fit for every company. Like trying to stuff a round peg into a square hole or a size 11 foot into a...
Why Keeping Tech Turnover Rates Low is More Challenging Than Ever
By Chelsea Babin To avoid lengthy and costly hiring processes, many companies with robust technical teams are doing whatever they can to keep their technical turnover rates low. This entails...
6 Tips That Will Help You Run More Productive Agile Meetings
As more and more organizations adopt the Agile methodology, it’s important to be able to run efficient, effective, and productive meetings if you want to have a successful career as...
6 Tips for Saving for Retirement If Your Job Doesn’t Offer a 401k
By Chelsea Babin What do you do if you want to retire some day but the company you work for doesn’t offer a 401k? Panic? Put off saving? No! You...
5 Ways Location and In-Demand Skills are Shaping the 2018 IT Hiring Process
By Chelsea Babin For technical professionals and the companies looking to hire them, 2018 has been fraught with many of the same challenges as the past few years. The shrinking...
4 Work-life Balance Improving Perks and Their Trade-Offs
So, you want to improve your work-life balance and you’re either planning on taking advantage of benefits that your current company offers or searching for a new employer who will...
10 Common Things Top Technical Professionals Consider Before Accepting Your Offer
By Chelsea Babin When you’re in the midst of the hiring process, it’s easy to see things from only one perspective: yours. However, taking a step back from that and...
How To Ask For A Raise
Does the thought of asking for a raise make you quiver and shake? Would you rather go to the dentist, have a 12-hour layover in Cleveland, or step on a...