Camden Kelly Blog

How to Create Clear Career Goals
If you’ve ever gone to the grocery store without a list you know how much your mood can affect what you buy. If you’re hungry, you’ll grab everything in sight....
Weekly Reviews Can Amp Up Your Productivity & Motivation
By Chelsea Babin You’re starting to lose some of your motivation at work and your productivity is slipping. Maybe it’s the itch to get outside and enjoy the warm weather...
Become a Jack of All Trades in 6 Easy Steps
By Chelsea Babin Incredibly specialized techies around the world are becoming more and more frustrated at the massive amounts of job ads looking for jack-of-all-trades. As more technologies crop up...
Want A More Successful Career? Get A Mentor ASAP!
By Chelsea Babin The days of apprenticeship are mostly behind us but the principle behind this age-old career path is still a relevant one. Are you looking to advance your...
Give Effective Praise to Become a Better Collaborator and Leader
By Chelsea Babin When it comes to teamwork, there is nothing more bonding than some positive, effective praise. Whether you’re looking to become a better collaborator or move into a...
Don’t Wait Until You Hate Where You Are
By Chelsea Babin A lot of self-improvement, career advancement, and skillset advancement can be attributed to a pessimistic mindset. If you hate your weight or lack of work ethic, chances...
How to Learn New Technology More Efficiently
By Chelsea Babin After being inundated with friends, family, and the internet’s opinion that the start of a new year should mean a new you, you’ve finally given in. Besides,...
How to Overcome A Bad First Impression
By Chelsea Babin You intended to come across a certain way in your initial encounter—professional, trustworthy, perfect for the position—but for one reason or another you made a misstep and...
You Need To Adjust Your Sleeping Habits to Be More Successful At Work
By Chelsea Babin At the start of a new year your schedule may be more overwhelming than usual. The slow down of the holiday season is over and it’s time...
Focus on One Big Goal
By Chelsea Babin Happy New Year! Chances are you’ve spent some time over the last few days contemplating ways you’ll improve your career, your health, your finances or your overall...