Camden Kelly Blog

How to Use ChatGPT for Your Job Search
Using ChatGPT for your job search may not be the first idea you have when you behold the generative AI that's taken the tech world (and beyond) by storm. ChatGPT,...

Find the Right Job for You: Tips for a Successful Job Hunt
How to Win the Job Hunt by Hillary Back The job search can be an intimidating process, to say the least. With all the interviews, resumes, and cover letters to...

How to Become a Successful Software Engineer
Tips and Strategies to Become a Successful Software Engineer Are you interested in becoming a successful software engineer? Developing the technical skills to be a practical software engineer requires hard...

Stand Out in Your Job Interview
How do you stand out in the interview process, especially when you're surrounded by the typical buzzwords? We've all been there: the nerves, the sweaty palms, the butterflies in your...

How to Predict Upcoming Startup Acquisitions
Don't be Caught Off Guard: How to Recognize an Upcoming Startup Acquisition Congratulations! You work for a startup, the birthplace of innovation and new ideas, where every day is a...

The Importance of Body Language in Interviews
Body Language in Job Interviews:What You Need to Know Body language plays a crucial role in job interviews and can make all the difference in securing your dream job. It's...

10 Signs You’re Undervalued at Your Job
How can you tell if you're undervalued in your current job? Are there other jobs that will pay more, and fit better--and not make you feel so undervalued and underpaid...

What to Do When Quitting Your Job
Are you quitting your job to move on to a new and exciting opportunity? Congrats! Leaving your job can be a thrilling (though hectic) time in your life. Knowing how...

5 Steps to Turn Down a Job Offer Professionally
Turn down a job offer with tact--or you may regret it, fast. Whether you have multiple job offers on the table, or you simply feel the job offer you got...

The Myths of Holiday Hiring
Despite the layoffs you've seen in the news lately, the holidays are the time to hire and get hired. As the year winds down, businesses prepare for the new year–and...