Camden Kelly Blog

How to Excel in Your IT Interview with Positive Framing
Looking for a little something extra to make you stand out in a sea of IT professionals? The information on your resume defines you. These facts and past experiences are...
How To Knock the Technical Screening out of the Park
As IT professionals we realize that technical screenings are a big part of the interviewing process. Technical interviews can be a serious cause of anxiety for several different reasons. From...

Important Body Language During an Interview
What you say in a job interview is important. Most candidates spend a lot of time preparing good answers to common interview questions. But what you say in an interview...

Tips For Writing Effective Thank You Letters
You've just finished interviewing for your dream job. Now it's time to sit back and relax, because there's nothing more you can do besides waiting for the phone to ring....

Fired Before You’re Hired: Five Ways to Ruin Any Interview
Don't ruin the interview. Arrive on time. Dress well. Write a thank-you note. Don't lie on the application. And--yup--don't ruin the interview. You got the job-hunt basics down, but the...

Common Interview Questions And Answers
So, you landed the job interview, congratulations! Now it's time to prepare. I've put together a list of some common interview questions and answers to help you out. Practice these...

How to Interview Prep: From a Tech Recruiter
Your interview can be the most crucial factor that decides whether you will get hired for a job or not. Each and every employee has gone through it: You probably...