Camden Kelly Blog

Spring Cleaning: Clean Up Your Code
By Katy Imhoff Spring has arrived, and we’re not talking about Spring MVC. This time of year everyone is ready to shake off the shackles of winter and start fresh....

Bridge the IT Skills Gap in These 6 Ways
By Joe Stangarone A recent study finds that a whopping 93% of businesses indicate there is an IT skills gap–a substantial shortfall between the supply of qualified IT professionals and the demand...

Wearables in the IT Workplace
By: Chelsea Babin Everyone’s buzzing about wearable technology in 2014. Smart watches, Google Glass and FitBits lead a lot of tech discussions. Though no one is entirely sure if they’ll...

Should Your IT Department Switch to Video Conferencing?
By Chelsea Babin Despite the inventions of Skype, Oblong and Google Hangouts, many companies insist on retaining business travel as a regular practice for their employees. What gives? Even IT...

Fired Before You’re Hired: Five Ways to Ruin Any Interview
Don't ruin the interview. Arrive on time. Dress well. Write a thank-you note. Don't lie on the application. And--yup--don't ruin the interview. You got the job-hunt basics down, but the...