Camden Kelly Blog

How to Deal with a Micromanager
Does your boss hover over you all day? Can you sense your manager lurking around the corner, ready to make changes as soon as you’re done with your work? You...
10 Ways to Break Free from a Work Rut
By Chelsea Babin For whatever reason you’ve lost your work mojo. Whether it’s a lack of inspiration, a lack of motivation, or just an overwhelming feeling of “blah”, something about...
Quitting Time: How Long Should You Stay After You’ve Resigned?
By Chelsea Babin When you’ve found a new career opportunity and you’ve accepted the job offer, you’re on cloud 9! Nothing could bring you down from this 24/7 celebration! But...
Don’t Wait Until You Hate Where You Are
By Chelsea Babin A lot of self-improvement, career advancement, and skillset advancement can be attributed to a pessimistic mindset. If you hate your weight or lack of work ethic, chances...
When It Comes to Productivity, First is the Worst
By Chelsea Babin At the beginning of every workday, you’re carrying the weight of every task you need to accomplish on your shoulders. Making a to-do list at the end...
Interview Attire That Will Get You Hired
By Chelsea Babin When most people think of interviews, they immediately think of having to wear a suit. But it’s rare to see a developer, programmer or coder in a...
How to Avoid Making Bad Job Search Decisions
By Chelsea Babin No two job searches are alike and, when you’ve been out of the game for a while or when you’re new to it completely, it’s easy to...
How to Overcome A Bad First Impression
By Chelsea Babin You intended to come across a certain way in your initial encounter—professional, trustworthy, perfect for the position—but for one reason or another you made a misstep and...
You Need To Adjust Your Sleeping Habits to Be More Successful At Work
By Chelsea Babin At the start of a new year your schedule may be more overwhelming than usual. The slow down of the holiday season is over and it’s time...
Focus on One Big Goal
By Chelsea Babin Happy New Year! Chances are you’ve spent some time over the last few days contemplating ways you’ll improve your career, your health, your finances or your overall...