Camden Kelly Blog

Reduce Pre-Interview Anxiety
By Chelsea Babin Are you nervous about an upcoming interview? Don’t be! If you become overly anxious before and during your interview, it will show. Whether it’s sweaty palms, forgetfulness...

Avoid This Job-Hunting Time Waster
By Chelsea Babin Whether you’re exploring the idea of leaving your current company or you’re unemployed and actively looking for a job, the time you spend job hunting is precious....

Fired Before You’re Hired: Five Ways to Ruin Any Interview
Don't ruin the interview. Arrive on time. Dress well. Write a thank-you note. Don't lie on the application. And--yup--don't ruin the interview. You got the job-hunt basics down, but the...

How to Interview Prep: From a Tech Recruiter
Your interview can be the most crucial factor that decides whether you will get hired for a job or not. Each and every employee has gone through it: You probably...