Common Interview Questions And Answers
So, you landed the job interview, congratulations! Now it’s time to prepare. I’ve put together a list of some common interview questions and answers to help you out.
Practice these 10 common interview questions so you’re not caught off guard or left stumbling over your words
Top 10 most common interview questions
What are your weaknesses?
This is a difficult question and one that will make your palms sweat.
The best way to answer this question is to minimize your weakness and emphasize your strengths. Mention professional traits that you deem as your weakness rather than concentrating on negative personal qualities.
Likewise, it would be best to mention that you are doing something to improve yourself professionally in order to correct your weakness.
Why should we hire you?
This is another overwhelming question that can make any interviewee panic.
An ideal way to handle this question is to start with summarizing your working experiences which may be important to the company. Remember to be confident and show that you really are looking forward to becoming a part of the company.
Why do you want to work in our company?
Basically, do you really want this job? Or will any job do. As an applicant you have to convince the interviewer that you are serious and interested in the job. Review the aspects of the company that line up with your values. Make sure you’ve done your research when talking about their company and ask questions in areas that you need clarification.
It’s also important to highlight parts of the job that match your previous experience.
What are your goals? Or where do you see yourself five years from now?
It is better to answer this question with reference to short-term and intermediate goals rather than talking about some distant future. It is also advised to involve the company in discussing your professional goals.
For instance, say that you see yourself as becoming a part of the company and helping it in achieving its goals and missions. Most interviewers asked this type of question to gain insight into the real motive of an applicant. They are trying to avoid applicants that will just make a company their training ground and move on after getting some experience.
Why did you leave or why are you leaving your current job?
This question used to weigh the professionalism as well as the ability of an applicant to stay on a job. As an applicant, it is not nice to say anything negative about your current or previous employer since it may reflect badly on you. This will also create a “big question” in the mind of the interviewer. The best explanation is one that has to do with the things outside of your control.
Budget cuts, moving, etc.
If you left because of personal reasons, say that you are looking for additional opportunities to enhance further your professional knowledge.
When were you most satisfied with your job?
Try to answer this question without any prejudice to your previous job. Concentrate more on discussing things that motivate you professionally.
This will create the impression that you are a good employee since you refrain from creating any bad remarks regarding your previous employer plus this will provide your future employer with ideas on how to motivate their employees.
What can you do for us that other candidates cannot offer?
Some applicants usually go blank when asked this question for fear that they may answer inadequately. Be confident and concentrate on discussing your positive traits and work qualifications that you deem as important and relevant to the job you are applying for.
What three positive things would your last boss say about you?
Simply tell them of your positive traits both as a person and as an employee most noticed by your previous employer and co-employees. Think of positive remarks that your previous boss may have told you. Read through any performance-related assessments you may have had for inspiration.
How much salary are you seeking? Or how much salary are you expecting?
When an interviewer asks you about your salary requirements, it usually means they like you and considering hiring you to become a part of their company. Yay!
Some employers would even ask about your salary history from your previous jobs. This will provide them with an idea of how much you would consider asking from them.
A safe way of answering such a question is to ask for a salary that is similar or close to what you were previously receiving. Or simply tell them that joining their team is most important so you are open to exploring whatever salary they believe is fair based on your skills and abilities.
If you were an animal, what can of animal would you be?
This question is geared more toward knowing the personality that you have. Try to think of animals that are not harmful but rather exhibit the qualities that match the type of position you are applying for.
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