Do These 5 Things To Get Through A Sluggish Job Search
When you start your job hunt, you’re wide-eyed and ready for all of the possibilities undoubtedly heading your way. Unfortunately, as time passes, you can lose your motivation and optimism. If you’re in the middle of a particularly sluggish job search, frequent Netflix binges may be tempting, but they aren’t the best use of your time. Here are five better things to do to get through a job search that’s moving slower than you’d like:
1. Network:
Just because you’re currently in between jobs doesn’t mean you should ignore your professional network. In fact, with the increase in free time and your need to find a job opportunity, this is the perfect time for you to get busy networking! Attend local Meetups or get together with your existing professional network to form lasting bonds and see if they know of any opportunities you might not be aware of.
2. Hobbies:
An active job search can take a lot of brainpower, and focusing solely on your job hunt can make the process seem longer and more stressful than it is. Take some time each week and dedicate it to hobbies that aren’t necessarily related to your career. These hobbies should be something you enjoy spending time on to maximize your relaxation time and rejuvenate your job search motivation. Physical activities or outdoor activities are particularly restorative, but any hobby will suffice.
3. Research:
One thing that could be slowing down your job search is a lack of research. Maybe you haven’t found enough positions to apply for, or you’ve discovered so many positions, but you know nothing about the companies you’re applying to. Save yourself some wasted time—that you could be using on a hobby, skill-building, networking, or hanging out with loved ones—and add more research to your day. Effective research could cut your sluggish job search in half!
4. Revamp:
If you’re sending out the same resume repeatedly and getting no bites, it’s time for you to revamp! Makeover your resume and ensure it’s an error-free representation of who you are as a professional. You could be slowing yourself down by sending out a sub-par resume that doesn’t interest employers. Once you revamp your resume, your job search could speed up or come to a beautiful, offer-filled end.
5. Skill build:
Sometimes, job searches naturally take a while. In the meantime, you don’t want to rest on your laurels and let your technical skillset grow stale. Take notice of the skills required for the positions you’re applying to, and start to familiarize yourself with the ones you lack. Or take a class in a skill that’s entirely new to you! When you’re skill-building, you’re adding future value to whatever company is lucky enough to hire you, and you’ve got a great answer if an interviewer asks how you’ve been spending your time recently.
Everyone’s ideal job search scenario would be a short search that results in multiple competitive offers at dream companies that work with cutting-edge technologies and have the best company culture. Unfortunately, job searches don’t always turn out this way, and some can become downright sluggish. Keep your spirits high and your motivation up by doing the five things mentioned above, and you’ll get through your sluggish job search without issue!