Machine Learning & Software Engineers Drive Higher Demand & Higher Salaries in 2019

There’s been a high demand for technical talent across all industries for years and 2019 is no exception. Avoiding a lengthy hiring process can save your company more than time, it can also save bundles of money along the way. If you have a better understanding of current IT salary trends and the technologies in the highest demand, you can adjust your hiring process accordingly and attract the right technical talent to your organization.

While Big Data was all the rage for years, Machine Learning has become the new focus for companies looking to stay current with the latest and greatest technologies. This increased demand has driven Machine Learning Engineers’ average salary up to a staggering $146,085, which is up 344% since 2015 according to a new study by Indeed. Due to the solid demand and hefty salary that comes with it, Indeed ranked Machine Learning Engineers as the best job to have in 2019, which means it’s also one of the most challenging positions to fill. To keep up with this demand, many organizations are training existing technical employees with a base of knowledge in Python, C++, JavaScript, Java, and a few other languages so they can offer growth opportunities to existing employees while filling their demand for machine learning professionals without undergoing a lengthy hiring process.

But Machine Learning Engineers aren’t the only ones seeing higher average salaries in 2019. If your company has been struggling to hire Software Engineers or Applications Developers, you may want to reevaluate the salary you’re offering. According to the Dice Salary Survey, Applications Developers are seeing an average salary of $105,202 in 2019 which is up 7.6% from 2018 while Software Engineers are seeing an average salary of $110,989 this year which is up 5.1% from 2018. However, salaries aren’t necessarily increasing across the board for all technical professionals. Though Systems Architects, Product Managers, and Project Managers all have higher average salaries in 2019 than Applications Developers, their year over year average has actually reduced by 3.8%, 4.2%, and 2.8% respectively.

This nationalized data may not be directly applicable to the averages in DFW or Southern California, but they paint an overall picture of increased demand driving annual salaries higher for a select few technical professionals with cutting-edge skillsets. If you’re looking to fill these positions at your company, make sure the salaries you offer are competitive for 2019 because, if they’re at the same level as last year, they may not be competitive any longer.
