Camden Kelly Blog

10 Signs You’re Undervalued at Your Job
How can you tell if you're undervalued in your current job? Are there other jobs that will pay more, and fit better--and not make you feel so undervalued and underpaid...
7 Tips for Navigating Sick Season At Work
By Chelsea Babin When you work in an office, you’re going to be exposed to germs. If you want to stay healthy during the rest of sick season, use these...
Why You Shouldn’t Be Too Hard On Yourself After Making a Mistake at Work
By Chelsea Babin Have you recently made a mistake at work? It’s easy to feel down on yourself and beat yourself up after you screw up at your job, but...

How to be Successful at Your Entry-Level IT Job
By Chelsea Babin We all have to start somewhere and, for most of us, being new to the workforce means taking an entry-level job. Starting out at the bottom of...

How to Pinpoint Your Perfect Job
Have you ever felt stuck in your job? Employee stress and burnout can account for a lot of dissatisfaction in your life. After all, you are at work some 8...