What Not to Do When Quitting Your Job
Are you quitting your job to move on to a new and exciting opportunity?
Congratulations! This can be a thrilling, hectic time in your life. Unfortunately, very few people will prepare you for how to quit properly.
You don't want to burn bridges on your way out, right? To maintain your professionalism when quitting your job, watch this video below.
Avoid these 5 common mistakes when quitting your job.
Now that you have seen how to go about quitting your job, here are an additional 5 common mistakes to avoid when going through that process.
1. Setting an Ambiguous Quit Date
Once you’ve found a new position, the worst thing you can do is not set a specific end date. Your new employer will want to know a specific time when you can start and your current employer will want to know exactly when you’re leaving.
2. Telling People You’re Thinking of Leaving
You might be excited to tell your colleagues that your actively seeking new opportunities, but I urge you not to. Don't tell your boss that you’re thinking of leaving before you have a new job lined up. This is a recipe for disaster unless you want to end up temporarily unemployed. It's not necessary and unwise for your career goals. Finding that perfect job could take a week, or it could be years! Without that timeline officially locked in you could shoot yourself in the foot by mentioning your plans too soon.
3. Quitting on Any Day That’s Not Friday
There are several reasons that Friday is the traditional day to quit. If you decide to quit Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday you’re making a mistake! When you turn in your notice on a Friday you can let the dust settle over the weekend. This will give your bosses and colleagues time to think through their reactions and when you come in on Monday, you can all be prepared with your ideas for a transition plan without being so emotionally fueled.
4. Ignoring How Others Were Treated On Their Way Out
Knowing how your bosses and colleagues prefer to be notified and how they prefer you to act in your final two weeks isn’t impossible. As long as you pay attention to how others were treated when they quit, you can establish some realistic expectations and figure out what specific do’s and don’ts apply to resigning at your current company. It's different at every organization and, if you haven't observed the preferred method at your company, you can always ask your trusted IT Recruiter or Search Executive for a more generalized list of do's and don'ts.
5. Forgetting to Write A Transition Plan
You can prepare a plan of action long before your resignation and simply not share it with your bosses until you turn in your notice but don’t forget to write one up! While your boss may not agree with your transition plan and want you to make some adjustments, coming in prepared will show that you’re dedicated to making this transition smooth and easy for everyone involved and you have specific tasks laid out for your final weeks so they won’t throw excessive extras on your plate trying to drain you of everything they can before you leave.
If you want to quit the right way don’t do these 5 things! You can avoid a lot of confusion and resentment by preparing for quitting the same way you would prepare for a job interview or a promotion.
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