Camden Kelly Blog

Pump Up Your Productivity
By Chelsea Babin Find yourself feeling sluggish at work? Have a big client meeting or presentation coming up that you’re less than excited for? Nervous about your big interview? Regardless...

Does the Learn to Code Movement Ignore Existing IT Professionals Like You?
By Chelsea Babin The Learn to Code initiative is picking up steam. From coding schools that promise anyone can learn to code, to programs like Hour of Code and #yeswecode...

Handle Unemployment Like A Pro
By Chelsea Babin For whatever reason, you’ve found yourself in an inopportune moment and you’re unemployed. Don’t let it get the best of you! Here are a few tips that...
Love Your Workspace
By Chelsea Babin Whether you work from a nook in your apartment or a massive, cubicle filled office, your workspace can have significant impact on your mood throughout the day....