Camden Kelly Blog

How To Ask For A Raise
Does the thought of asking for a raise make you quiver and shake? Would you rather go to the dentist, have a 12-hour layover in Cleveland, or step on a...

8 Ways You Can Prove You’re the Best Candidate for the Job During an Interview
Ready to win over future employers and convince them that you’re the best candidate for the job during the interview process? Good! Take that confidence and make sure you focus...

Asking Your Boss To Work From Home
Imagine a workday where you didn’t have to sit in rush hour traffic, stressing out about whether you’re going to make it on time and being cut off at least...

6 Ways Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone At Work Can Benefit You
Yes, comfort zones are safe, cozy, and appealing. But, if you want to get anywhere in life or in your career, you need to step outside your comfort zone. Why...

5 Steps for Being Positive and Productive Post-Interview
So, you’ve gone through the preparation and the actual interview itself. Now what? You can wait and let your jitters get the best of you or you can follow these...

6 Reasons You Aren’t Successful Yet
By Chelsea Babin Your career isn’t at its ideal peak. You look around and see more accomplished people your age or people who are younger than you who have more...
With Pay Transparency on the Rise, Will it Benefit Technical Professionals Whose Salaries Far Exceed the National Average?
By Chelsea Babin Although technical professionals span a wide range of job titles and are needed in a wide range of industries, they earn a healthy salary across the board....
The Why’s and How’s of Building a Long-term Technical Team
By Chelsea Babin Employees often look for stability at the company they work for. Why? Because that feeling of security is incredibly valuable for their work-life balance and reducing their...