Camden Kelly Blog

How to Manage Your Work-life Balance During the Holidays
Whether your work-life balance is perfectly level and to your liking or a little out of whack most of the time, the holiday season throws normalcy for a loop and...

Debunking 5 Common Myths That Keep You From Quitting Your Job
Most of us feel lucky to have a job at all, but that gratitude for simply having a job can sometimes cloud our perspective on whether our current job is...

The Top and Fastest-Growing Programming Languages on GitHub
With over 44 million developers in the GitHub community, this hub of open source development can define programming language trends or at least help us identify the shifting tides of...

California & Texas Have The Most Opportunities for Tech Talent
Employers across the United States are hungrier than ever for great tech talent. But, if we look at data from Burning Glass, which analyzes millions of job postings from across...