Camden Kelly Blog

5 Tactics To Work Smarter, Not Harder
Want to be known as a super-productive technical professional who works smarter not harder? Want to do less and get more done so you can improve your work-life balance and...

Unconventional Mentors To Help You Advance in IT
From improved career outcomes to increased motivation, studies have shown that career mentors can really help you advance your career. However, not every workplace is set up for a traditional boss or...

Networking 101: Easy Tips on How to Network Effectively
Whether you’re just starting your IT career, or at the top of your game, networking can take you to new heights. If you’re a novice networker, don’t let it intimidate...

Learn Faster: 8 Tips for Learning New Tech Skills
Technical professionals face the challenge of always evolving and growing their skillset more than most other professionals. If you want to stay competitive and keep up with the rapidly evolving...

Improve Work Motivation with Friendly Competition
If you’re eager to improve work motivation to improve your career, it's amazing what a little competition will do. Why? Here are three ways fun competition can help you succeed....

5 Simple Ways to Never Miss a Deadline Again
A lot of technical professionals have to deal with fast-paced, deadline-driven environments. Unfortunately, technical professionals are often saddled with multiple deadlines at once. They also have to deal with deadlines...

5 Powerful Traits That Successful Leaders Share
Whether you’re looking to work for a manager who is a likable leader or you’re trying to become a likable leader yourself, these 5 traits that successful leaders share are...

How to Handle Those Weird Interview Questions
Sometimes you’ll face an interviewer who doesn’t want to ask the run-of-the-mill interview questions that you’ve prepared for. The trick for handling these unique questions is to follow the six...

Don’t Be a Work Zombie: 10 Ways to Prevent Burnout in IT
Burnout and complacency are the silent killers in the IT industry. They take formerly intelligent, ambitious techies and turn them into zombies of the workplace. They haunt the halls of...

How To Manage Stress at Work
Feeling a tinge of stress before a big presentation or interview is perfectly normal. But high levels of stress or regular stress compounded over a period of time are incredibly...