Camden Kelly Blog

4 Tips for Improving Your Work Performance
Whether you’re gunning for a promotion or you want to improve your work performance, these four tips will help you improve your work performance! 1. Choose One New Skill and...

6 Questions To Not Ask in a Job Interview
Preparing for a job interview should mostly be focused on familiarizing yourself with the company. You should be coming up with questions to ask to assess the company culture, job...

Why Some Companies Ask Out of the Box Interview Questions
Have you ever been in an interview and suddenly get an out-of-the-box question? A question like, how many fire hydrants are in Dallas county? Or maybe they ask you who...

Move Past Procrastination with These 6 Simple Steps
Is the procrastination monster lurking in your office again? You can kill that ugly beast immediately and get back to your regularly scheduled productive workday by following these 6 simple...

5 Key Points to Get Across in Your Interview
Want to make a great impression in your next interview? Of course, you do! While you can’t control the questions you’re asked during the interview process, you can control how...

5 Tips for Scheduling Interviews While Employed
The best time to look for a job is when you don’t need one. But that leaves you in a tricky position. Searching for and interviewing for one or more...

How to Make the Most of Your Mondays
If you’re anything like Garfield, you hate Mondays. But this day marks the start of the work week and can be essential for setting the right tone and productivity level...

10 Reasons a Lateral Career Move Would Pay Off
A lot of people wait until they’re ready for a promotion opportunity to make a career move. But that isn’t always the best course of action. Lateral career movies can...

8 Reasons To Look For A New Job
A passive job search is when you take some time to look for job opportunities that you could apply to but you’d be fine staying in your current position. When...

3 Things to Do Before You Start Your Job Search
Are you ready to search for your next job opportunity? That’s great! Before you start your job search take the time to do these 3 crucial things. 1. Evaluate Your...