Camden Kelly Blog

How Pre-Interview Small Talk Improves Your Chances of Getting a Job Offer
In your efforts to prepare for your upcoming job interview you’ve probably picked out a well-fitting, professional outfit to wear, researched the company and the people interviewing you, practiced answers...

The Most Important Connections at Each Stage of Your Career
From finding your first job to expanding your professional network to finding a mentor and moving forward in your career, your network is there to help you succeed! However, certain...

10 Ways to Jumpstart Your Workday
If you build great momentum in the morning, it can carry you through the rest of your workday. Want to jumpstart your workday and make a huge, positive impact on...

3 Tips on Giving a Successful Remote Presentation
If you're one of the millions of Americans still working from home, it's very likely that at some point you will have to give a remote presentation to a virtual...

5 Ways to Get the Career Benefits of A Mentor Without Actually Having a Mentor
Finding a mentor you mesh well with and want to model your career after isn’t necessarily easy. A lot of these well-established professionals simply don’t have the time to commit...

How to Deal with a Micromanager
Does your boss hover over you all day? Can you sense your manager lurking around the corner, ready to make changes as soon as you’re done with your work? You...