Camden Kelly Blog
10 Questions to Avoid Asking During an Interview
Often, as an interview winds down, you're hit with that familiar phrase, "Do you have any questions for me?" Your aim should be to come forward with insightful questions, ones...
How to Ensure Your LinkedIn Profile Aligns with Your Resume
In today's hyper-connected world, one's professional identity is not limited to a single piece of paper. Platforms like LinkedIn have reshaped the landscape of job hunting, networking, and professional branding....
38 Essential Questions to Discuss with Your Supervisor
In the dynamic ecosystem of the professional world, clear communication between an employee and their supervisor is incredibly important. It's not just about ticking off tasks on a to-do list...
Navigating Workplace Relationships with Annoying Colleagues
Having strong negative feelings towards a colleague? We've all been there. It's that grip of frustration on your way to work as you mentally prepare to interact with that one...
Thriving at Work: 9 Ways To Form a Strong Bond with Your Boss
Navigating the professional landscape is as much about the work you deliver as it is about the relationships you foster, especially with those in authority. Forming a genuine, constructive bond...
17 Key Strategies for Success in a New Job
Starting a new job is a whirlwind of emotions, from exhilaration and anticipation to anxiety about making a good impression. It's a pivotal period that sets the tone for your...
Productivity Hacks for Work
Productivity hacks are the unsung heroes of a successful workday. And we mean literally unsung—these are "hacks" for a reason. The most successful professionals use them, but they go unnoticed...
How to Use ChatGPT for Your Job Search
Using ChatGPT for your job search may not be the first idea you have when you behold the generative AI that's taken the tech world (and beyond) by storm. ChatGPT,...
Find the Right Job for You: Tips for a Successful Job Hunt
How to Win the Job Hunt by Hillary Back The job search can be an intimidating process, to say the least. With all the interviews, resumes, and cover letters to...
5 Green Tech Companies to Watch in 2023
The rise of green technology has been a boon to the modern industrial sector, transforming the way companies create and consume energy while reducing emissions and soil pollutants. As awareness...