Camden Kelly Blog
10 Ways to Encourage Project Ownership and Deep Investment In Your Company
By Chelsea Babin When your top technical talent feels truly invested in your company’s mission, they’ll take project ownership, be more inclined to stay for the long term, and share...

The 3 Reasons You’re Losing Your Top Technical Talent
By Katy Imhoff Are you struggling to keep top technical talent at your company? You’re not alone. I spend my days on the phone with top technical talent who are...
10 Ways to Create a Work Environment Top Technical Professionals Will Love
By Chelsea Babin When you have a work environment that top technical professionals love, they will flock to your company and stay for a long time, lengthening your average tenures...
10 Reasons Why You Should Get a Jumpstart on Your 2018 IT Hiring
By Chelsea Babin Oh the weather outside is frightful, but the hire is so delightful. Since there’s no place to go, more talented technical employees will flock to your open...
How to Create a Company Culture that IT Employees are Thankful For
By Chelsea Babin Top technical talent will stay at your company a lot longer if they’re thankful for the culture you’ve created. If you want to create a company culture...

15 Things That Scare Away Top Technical Talent
By Chelsea Babin Boo! Did I scare you? Probably not. But, if you do one or more of these 15 things at your company you will scare away top technical...

13 Things Bad Bosses Do That Make Great Technical Employees Quit
By Chelsea Babin Have you heard the saying, “people don’t leave companies, they leave bad bosses”? It’s true! If you want to reduce your turnover rate and make sure the...

How to Quit a Job and Not Feel Guilty
You did it! You landed your dream job! But now, instead of being excited, now you're faced with guilt. Lucky for you, I have some tips on how to quit a...

Fired Before You’re Hired: Five Ways to Ruin Any Interview
Don't ruin the interview. Arrive on time. Dress well. Write a thank-you note. Don't lie on the application. And--yup--don't ruin the interview. You got the job-hunt basics down, but the...