Camden Kelly Blog

Growth in IT jobs in 2014 means anticipated wage growth for 2015
By Chelsea Babin The IT employment index has consistently grown throughout 2014. Although there was some slowdown in this growth, October experienced a .2% uptick, which means IT employment has...

Pace of IT Job Growth Continues at a Slower Rate
By Chelsea Babin Since September 2013, IT employment has grown by 3.6%. Though that number is staggeringly impressive, most of it is due to booming growth earlier this year, which...

Does the Learn to Code Movement Ignore Existing IT Professionals Like You?
By Chelsea Babin The Learn to Code initiative is picking up steam. From coding schools that promise anyone can learn to code, to programs like Hour of Code and #yeswecode...

Cyber Security Can No Longer Be Ignored in IT
By Chelsea Babin 2014 has been an excellent year for hiring in IT—with a positive growth every month that exceeds the rest of the market place, it would seem that...

Texas Is the Fastest Growing State for Tech Jobs with Steady IT Growth
By Chelsea Babin As summer hiring comes to a close, it’s time to reflect on the exceptional, steady growth experienced over the past couple of months. IT employment continued to...

10 Tech Solutions to Improve Your Health In the Workplace
By Chelsea Babin As technology advances, there are increasing numbers of tech startups founded to improve your health. Recent studies have alarmed full-time workers of the dangers of sitting all...
Introduction to Angular.js in 50 Examples (Part 2)
Published on Jun 9, 2014 by Curran Kelleher Code at An introduction to Angular.js covering angular features by example. This installment (part 2) covers examples 34 - 50. See...
Swift: Why It Matters and How It Will Affect the IT Industry
By Chelsea Babin If you see developers everywhere ditching Objective-C and sticking their noses in a new iBook, you aren’t alone. At this year’s WWDC developer event, Apple surprised all...
Introduction to AngularJS in 50 Examples (Part 1)
Published on Mar 7, 2014 by Curran Kelleher Code at An introduction to Angular.js covering single-page-app concepts, related libraries and angular features by example. This installment (part 1) covers...

Why Tech Companies Should Avoid Non-Compete Agreements
By: Katy Imhoff Tech companies are constantly innovating, so their desire to maintain a level of secrecy to protect their innovation is understandable. There are several ways of ensuring a...