Camden Kelly Blog

3 Home Habits That Could Lead to Success At Work
By Chelsea Babin Everyone is talking about how you can improve your work/life balance but very few people are discussing how habits in your life can positively or negatively affect...
How to Always Have a Clean, Organized Desk in 5 Easy Steps
By Chelsea Babin If your desk is filled with clutter or covered in dust it could be distracting you and ruining your productivity. But if you’re in the middle of...
The 7 Things On Your Resume That Every Boss Hates to See
By Chelsea Babin Until you’re in the position to hire one or more people you can’t quite understand what a boss goes through when sorting through resumes. You can spend...

Dislike Some of Your Coworkers? Do These 4 Things
By Chelsea Babin You won’t always get along with your coworkers, however, you do need to find a way to cope with them for at least 40 hours a week...

How to Identify the Source of Your Interview Anxiety & Get Rid of It
By Chelsea Babin Interview jitters can be overwhelming, stressful, and all around awful. Whether you’re still employed but eager to leave your current job or you’re unemployed and eager to...
Improve Your Body Language in 5 Easy Steps
By Chelsea Babin From interviews to client meetings, from coworker collaborations to annual reviews, your body language says a lot about you. If you don’t take the time to notice...
How to Use A Paper Notebook to Increase Your Professionalism
By Chelsea Babin In our fast-paced, high-tech world, paper notebooks are often forgotten about or relegated to elementary aged children. What if I told you that (temporarily) ditching some of...

Why You Don’t Want Your Job Interview To Go Smoothly
By Chelsea Babin If you’ve got a case of the pre-interview jitters it may be because you’re feeling unprepared or you’re worried that the interview won’t go smoothly. But, is...

The Best Way to Talk About Your Less Than Impressive Job Experience In An Interview
By Chelsea Babin For whatever reason you feel like your job experience is less than impressive but you’ve managed to score an interview anyways. Instead of letting it get you...
Why Small Goals Make a Big Difference
By Chelsea Babin Goal setting is an essential part of life but few of us know how to do it right. If you want to pursue a promotion, have an...