Camden Kelly Blog
Appear More Trustworthy With These Body Language Secrets
By Chelsea Babin Whether you’re heading into an interview, an important meeting with a client, or even a year-end review with your boss you’ll want to be aware of the...

Pick A Task To Cap Off Your Workday
By Chelsea Babin It’s over an hour since you were supposed to leave and yet you feel like you still have so much left to do. If you don’t get...

How to Handle Interviews As a Job Hopper
By Chelsea Babin Although staying with one employer for decades has fallen out of fashion, many employers still cringe at candidates who spend less than two years at each company...

Make a Match-Up List For a Successful, Less Stressful Interview
By Chelsea Babin There are a variety of ways you can prepare the night before an interview to reduce your stress and make you feel more confident but many of...

Three Ways to Take Your Networking to the Next Level
By Chelsea Babin Building a professional network is a great way to grow your career and take advantage of opportunities that would otherwise not be presented to you. It’s also...
How to Clearly Divide Your Personal Time from Work for A Better Work/Life Balance
By Chelsea Babin Professionals are ceding more of their personal time to work now more than ever. From late night emails, weekend conference calls, and even to working on vacation,...
The Perfect Conversation Ratio In An Interview, Collaboration, and a Yearly Review
By Chelsea Babin The art of conversation requires us to find a balance between listening and speaking, hearing and expressing, and absorbing information and delivering information. Not every scenario is...
Want to Be More Comfortable In Your Next Interview? Get Familiar With the Company’s Faces
By Chelsea Babin You walk into an office for the first time and worry you’re shifting nervously in your interview clothes. As you’re going through all of the preparation you’ve...
Create Plan B When You Create Plan A For Better Results
By Chelsea Babin Whether you’re mapping out a side project, evaluating your job offers, requesting time off, or making your career goals more clear, you’ve always got a plan A....

Decide to Use Your Company’s 401k in 4 Easy Steps
Although cutting-edge benefits like wellness programs, unlimited paid time off, and flextime are getting all of the positive press these days, it’s important to remember some of the classics. One...