The Myths of Holiday Hiring
Despite the layoffs you’ve seen in the news lately, the holidays are the time to hire and get hired.
As the year winds down, businesses prepare for the new year–and to reassess their budgets. For some, this can mean cutting back on expenses and managing their spending with extra caution. Yet, for others, the holiday season can signal a surplus of funds, and businesses scramble to allocate their budget before the new year. Turns out, that makes for the most wonderful time of the year to snap up the top tech talent.
Use-it-or-Lose-it Budgets
The general myth is that organizations put hiring on hold when the holidays hit. That mindset is based on a common misconception: that hiring for technology jobs during the holiday season is difficult or impossible.
In the technology industry, these excesses in annual budgets can result in a major influence over hiring decisions. With demand for skilled workers in tech high and the competition to land that talent fierce, many companies look to fill open positions before the end of the year. These can be tech-heavy roles like engineering as well as openings in accounting and support–all of the opportunities that need budget allocation before the dawn of 2023.
The Tech Talent Pool
Right now, technology professionals are looking for new opportunities–they may be feeling burnt out from a busy year, may be seeking a change in their career, or are making moves now to beat the next round of potential layoffs to hit headlines. Add those surplus funds to the plethora of talent looking for a new work home, and you create the ideal moment to invest in your workforce by bringing on bright new talent.
By hiring now, companies can take advantage of the increased pool of ultra-qualified candidates with holiday-induced availability to get a head start on filling open positions before the busy start of the new year (when that talent pool kicks into higher gear and the competition for the best candidates gets fiercer).
It’s vital that tech organizations take this time to consider their hiring decisions and make the right investments in their workforce. Hiring the right team is essential to succeed in any business, and placing part of that end-of-year budget with experts to streamline and bolster the hiring process is an invaluable move to set every department up for success.
The Bottom Line
Having an excess in annual budgets can be a great opportunity for companies in the technology industry to invest in their workforce and fill open positions, but it’s still essential to carefully consider each hiring decision to make the right investments. After all, now’s the time to sip eggnog and pat yourself on the back for assembling or joining the perfect new team dynamic–not for sifting through endless resumes and hoping for a Christmas miracle.
Keep doing what you do best, and let the professionals do the legwork; with the right investment, you’ll have your budget on point and your team ready to go before you can even say, “Happy New Year.”