Camden Kelly Blog

Is Your Open Office Damaging Your IT Retention Rate?
While cubicles were once all the rage, a lot of companies have made the switch to an open office plan in recent years. These layouts can often accommodate more employees...

6 Creative Ways Some IT Employers Are Attracting New Talent
Getting a qualified technical candidate through the door to interview and eventually accept a job offer at your company has never been more challenging. Tech unemployment continues to sit at...

4 Work-life Balance Improving Perks and Their Trade-Offs
So, you want to improve your work-life balance and you’re either planning on taking advantage of benefits that your current company offers or searching for a new employer who will...
Tech Dominates Best Jobs and Remote Tech Pros Prove Their Worth
By Chelsea Babin Top technical professionals are in high demand in 2018 but they’re also in some of the best jobs available in the United States, according to a recently...
What You Need to Become a Great Telecommuting Employee
By Chelsea Babin Do you have what it takes to succeed in your current job while telecommuting? Whether you’re working for a company that offers a telecommuting option or you’re...

5 Tips for Efficient Telecommuting
In an effort to improve their employees’ work/life balance, many companies are offering telecommuting or partial telecommuting as a perk. While it seems irresistible at first, many people who are...