Camden Kelly Blog

You Can Tell a Lot About a Company’s Values by the Benefits They Offer
Interviews are a great time for you to impress potential employers but they’re also a great time for you to express that you share a company’s values. If a company...

The Best Way to Talk About Your Less Than Impressive Job Experience In An Interview
By Chelsea Babin For whatever reason you feel like your job experience is less than impressive but you’ve managed to score an interview anyways. Instead of letting it get you...
Hate Your Job? Treat it As Training
By Chelsea Babin There’s nothing worse for motivation than working in a job you hate. Whether it’s not the right field for you, not the right corporate culture for you,...
Why Small Goals Make a Big Difference
By Chelsea Babin Goal setting is an essential part of life but few of us know how to do it right. If you want to pursue a promotion, have an...

What You Wear Can Improve Your Career
By Chelsea Babin As Mark Train famously said, “Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.” That doesn’t mean that you need to wear a...
Appear More Trustworthy With These Body Language Secrets
By Chelsea Babin Whether you’re heading into an interview, an important meeting with a client, or even a year-end review with your boss you’ll want to be aware of the...

Pick A Task To Cap Off Your Workday
By Chelsea Babin It’s over an hour since you were supposed to leave and yet you feel like you still have so much left to do. If you don’t get...

Training is the Key to Jumpstarting Sluggish IT Job Growth in 2015
By Chelsea Babin Although the IT industry continues to see a positive pattern of IT employment growth, that progress has become sluggish compared to last year’s. IT jobs only grew...