Camden Kelly Blog

5 Questions to Avoid When Networking
Expanding your professional network can really improve your career and help you create long-lasting friendships with people in your field. However, the act of networking is often fraught with awkwardness...

6 Tips for Maintaining Wellness on a Business Trip
Traveling for work can be an exciting change of pace or a regular necessity, depending on the job you take and the company you work for. If you want to...

3 Ways to Answer, “What’s Your Greatest Weakness?”
Most people have heard, “What’s your greatest weakness?” There are stereotypical ways to answer this age-old interview question. They could go with something like, “I work too hard.” Or, “I’m...

How to Handle Curveball Questions in an Interview
If you were a flower, what kind of flower would you be? Would you rather walk ten miles or run for two? How many elephants are there in all of...

The 6 Most Important Things to Do Before an Interview
Whether you have very little time before your next interview or you just want to streamline your interview preparation process, a little preparation before an interview is always a good...

6 Things You Can do Today to Get Noticed at Work
Get noticed at work, improve your relationships with coworkers, and get on your boss's good side. The best way to do this is long, sustained time periods of reliability, hard...

7 Times When You Can Bend the Rules at Work
Some workplaces believe in self-driven workloads while others are filled to the brim with micromanagers. For the most part, following the rules at work is a good idea. But here...

15 Things to Do To Be Valued By a Great Boss
Great bosses are hard to find! If you want to be more valued by your current great boss, here are 15 things you can do to become one of their...

5 Tips for Juggling Side Projects and A Full Time Job
Side projects are gaining popularity, particularly with technical professionals who want to use them to expand their experience and technical knowledge. But, sometimes, juggling a side project and a full-time...