Camden Kelly Blog
Why You Need A Coding Buddy
By Chelsea Babin If you’re used to going solo when you learn a new programming language but tired of struggling along on your own, consider finding a coding buddy! It...

Does the Learn to Code Movement Ignore Existing IT Professionals Like You?
By Chelsea Babin The Learn to Code initiative is picking up steam. From coding schools that promise anyone can learn to code, to programs like Hour of Code and #yeswecode...

Will A Computer Science Degree Impact Your IT Job Search?
By Chelsea Babin If you’re on the IT job hunt and wondering how a BS in Computer Science will impact your search, we’ve got you covered. Will a BS in...

Bridge the IT Skills Gap in These 6 Ways
By Joe Stangarone A recent study finds that a whopping 93% of businesses indicate there is an IT skills gap–a substantial shortfall between the supply of qualified IT professionals and the demand...

Should Your IT Department Switch to Video Conferencing?
By Chelsea Babin Despite the inventions of Skype, Oblong and Google Hangouts, many companies insist on retaining business travel as a regular practice for their employees. What gives? Even IT...

The Benefits and Pitfalls of SXSW Interactive 2014
By Chelsea Babin Whether you’re looking to expand your tech knowledge to impress your current boss, searching for a way to inspire your employees or broaden your own tech horizons...