Camden Kelly Blog
Getting Organized At Work is All In The Timing
By Chelsea Babin Is there a mountain of papers threatening an avalanche on your desk? Have you forgotten the last time your organized all of the files on your computer?...

How to Quit a Job and Not Feel Guilty
You did it! You landed your dream job! But now, instead of being excited, now you're faced with guilt. Lucky for you, I have some tips on how to quit a...

How to Quit Your Job Without Guilt
You did it--you landed your dream job. You're ready to quit and move on. But instead of excitement, you're faced with guilt. To make the transition seamless (and not wracked...
3 Things to Do When Your Boss Catches You Searching for A New Job
By Chelsea Babin You’ve decided it’s time to move on from your current role and look for new opportunities elsewhere. But, despite your best efforts to hide it, your boss...

The Best Letter of Recommendation Is the One You Write for Yourself
Once you’re entrenched in a job search it may be difficult to see the other side. You’re constantly looking for opportunities to apply for that match your desired criteria for...
Start Your New Job With Small Victories
By Chelsea Babin So you’ve come to the end of your job search and you’re about to start your new job, congratulations! Take some time to celebrate before you dive...
Learning is Key When Deciding to Quit Your Current Job
By Chelsea Babin You’ve started to feel that familiar itch. When you head into work every day something feels off. You aren’t sure, but you think you might be ready...
How to Handle Odd Interview Questions
By Chelsea Babin Sometimes you’ll face an interviewer who doesn’t want to ask the run-of-the mill questions that you’ve prepared for. The trick for handling these unique questions is to...
Become a Jack of All Trades in 6 Easy Steps
By Chelsea Babin Incredibly specialized techies around the world are becoming more and more frustrated at the massive amounts of job ads looking for jack-of-all-trades. As more technologies crop up...
How Low Should Your Expectations Go?
By Chelsea Babin Whether you’re just starting a new job, a new job search, a new project, or learning a new skill, you will naturally have expectations. Unless you’re used...