Camden Kelly Blog

Why You Should Get a Recruiter to Negotiate Your Salary For You
Whether you’re in need of a job, searching for a new opportunity, or just ready for a change, the decision often comes down to money. No matter how good you...

Learn Faster: 8 Tips for Learning New Tech Skills
Technical professionals face the challenge of always evolving and growing their skillset more than most other professionals. If you want to stay competitive and keep up with the rapidly evolving...

5 Powerful Traits That Successful Leaders Share
Whether you’re looking to work for a manager who is a likable leader or you’re trying to become a likable leader yourself, these 5 traits that successful leaders share are...

10 Simple Things to Do the First Week of 2021 to Start the Year Off Right
You’ve gone through evaluations at work, self-evaluations, reflecting on the year, and a great holiday season and it’s almost time to take 2021 by storm! If you want to start...

Hoping for an End-of-the-Year Raise? Here’s How to Get It!
As the year begins to wind down, your employer is probably beginning to evaluate your overall annual performance and crunch the numbers to see how that will translate into your...

Learning a New Programming Language? Find a Coding Buddy to Make It Easier!
If you’re used to going solo when you learn a new programming language but tired of struggling along on your own, consider finding a coding buddy! It doesn’t have to...

Is Taking a Pay Cut Ever Worth It?
I know what you’re thinking, anyone would be crazy to take a cut in salary! We want more money, not less! While most professionals balk at the suggestion of a...

Yes, You Do Have Questions!
Your interview seems to be going well so far. You’ve aced the tech screening, the hiring manager loved your joke about the monkey and the coding test, and you’ve gone...

How to Handle Getting Fired Like a Pro
Getting fired or getting laid off can feel like the end of the world, but it doesn’t have to mean you’ll never work again. Don't beat yourself up about it....

How to Resign From Your Job with Professionalism & Pride
Congratulations! You just got an offer for a wonderful new job. There’s just one catch. You have to say good-bye to your current employer. Maybe you loved your job and...