Camden Kelly Blog

5 Ways to Prevent Scope Creep At Work & In Side Projects
Like a snake slithering down a dark hall, scope creep is coming for us all! Or, at least, that’s what it feels like for a lot of Developers who have...

Machine Learning: Diving into A Beginner’s Guide
Machine Learning (ML) may have piqued your interest but you haven’t dipped your toes in its shiny waters just yet. Why not? Maybe all that’s holding you back from diving...

Multitasking: Is it as Bad for Your Productivity as They Say?
In an effort to get more things accomplished during your workday, you might resort to multitasking. Multitasking is just the act of executing more than one program or task simultaneously—a...

9 Career Mistakes to Avoid in 2019
While I’m sure you’re off to a great start in 2019, the best way to stay on track is to know which pitfalls and mistakes could lie ahead. That way,...

10 Tips for Reflecting on Your Performance Evaluation
Whether your company refers to it as a performance evaluation, an annual review, a sit down with the boss, or something else, a lot of companies spend this time of...

5 Ways to Reshape Your Goals so You’ll Actually Follow Through on Them This Year
By Chelsea Babin As the year draws to a close, everyone spends a little time reflecting on what they’ve accomplished over the last year, what they set out to accomplish...

10 Things to Do After Work to Improve Your Productivity Tomorrow
Every Monday through Thursday evening, the actions you take after work can spill over and affect how happy or productive you are at work the next day. If you want...

Improving These 6 Soft Skills Will Benefit Your Career
As a technical professional, you’ll spend a lot of your time improving your technical repertoire and your coding skills. But, don’t forget about the equally important soft skills. According to...

Decoding The Types of Questions You’ll Be Asked in Every Interview
While the best interviews feel more like a conversation than a one-sided question and answer session, at their root they’re made up of questions that hiring managers will ask and...

5 Steps for Professionally Turning Down a Job Offer
Some jobs aren't the right fit and, before the interview process, it isn't always easy to tell. Whether you have multiple job offers on the table and need to turn...