Camden Kelly Blog

Yes, Personalized Notes Still Matter
Personalized notes can propel your career forward, yes even in a time where remote work is at an all time high and people are social distancing. While letter writing may...

5 Signs of a Time Wasting Task That Will Ruin Your Productivity
Are you worried that you’re wasting too much of your time at work on tasks that, ultimately, aren’t that important? If you’re required to do something, you do it. But...

How to Manage Your Work-life Balance During the Holidays
Whether your work-life balance is perfectly level and to your liking or a little out of whack most of the time, the holiday season throws normalcy for a loop and...

The Six Highest Paying Tech Jobs of 2019
If you’re a passionate technologist, you’re probably not just in the IT industry for the money. But it’s always good to stay on top of salary trends and compensation averages...

Millennials Aren’t Lazy. We’re Just Misunderstood.
I’ve heard many professionals of the older generations throw out the stereotype that millennials are lazy when their employees don’t perform well. There are definitely people of my generation who...

Why Python Is Ahead of the Machine Learning/AI Pack
Have you heard that Python is swallowing the data analytics space whole? While this may not literally be true, this language is gaining steam in a variety of areas and...

5 Ways to Prevent Scope Creep At Work & In Side Projects
Like a snake slithering down a dark hall, scope creep is coming for us all! Or, at least, that’s what it feels like for a lot of Developers who have...

Is Wearable Tech Set for a Comeback?
From the reemergence of Google Glass in enterprise environments to the release of the “iPod of VR”, wearable tech is attempting a comeback in 2019 after briefly flitting onto the...

The Leading Project Management Methodologies
There are a wide variety of frameworks or methodologies that project managers use to keep projects on track, corral stakeholders while working with the development team to indicate what the...

Using Kubernetes in Enterprise Environments is Getting Easier
Kubernetes will never be simple and it isn’t intended for simplicity. However, companies and technical professionals alike don’t need to look at it as too complex to get into. Instead,...