Camden Kelly Blog

Is a Startup Job the Right Fit For You? Ask Yourself These 5 Essential Questions
The prospect of working at a startup can be both alluring and terrifying all at once. If you’re trying to figure out whether or not you’d enjoy working in a...

5 Ways to Know if You’re on the Right Career Path
Failures and triumphs and smaller moments in between may have you reflecting on the big picture of your career. Ideally, you’d have a fulfilling, exciting, challenging job that ticks all...

How to Improve Your Code Review Skills
If you have to conduct your first code review or you’ve been doing it for a while but feel like you could be better at it, you’re in the right...

The 10 Best Ways to Stay Productive Without Burning Out
If you want to improve your work performance, you need to improve your productivity. There are a ton of productivity hacks that you can implement in your day but, unfortunately,...

Likable Leaders Share These 5 Traits
Whether you’re looking to work for a manager who is a likable leader or you’re trying to become a likable leader yourself, these 5 traits are the key. Look out...

Avoid Getting In The Way of Your Own Career Success in these 4 Common Ways
By Chelsea Babin Are you getting in the way of your own career success? Most people are and don’t even know it. If you want to avoid these 4 common...

5 Tips for Figuring Out Your 5-Year Career Plan
Where do you see yourself in 5 years? This is a question bosses and interviewers and strangers at networking events have been asking for decades. But, if you don’t quite...

6 Ways to Improve Your LinkedIn Profile
A great LinkedIn profile could help you get a new job, network professionally, or serve as a digital business card. But, in order to have a great LinkedIn profile, you...

Is Leadership in Your Career Future? Develop These 6 Traits Now
By Chelsea Babin As you climb the career success ladder, your future rungs may include a leadership position or two. If you want to be a great leader, you need...
7 Tips for Navigating Sick Season At Work
By Chelsea Babin When you work in an office, you’re going to be exposed to germs. If you want to stay healthy during the rest of sick season, use these...