Camden Kelly Blog

Set Goals to Find Greater Success
Have you ever heard the phrase "there is only one way to eat an elephant: a bite at a time"? This famous quote by Desmond Tutu is used frequently when...

Improve Your Sleeping Habits to Improve Your Success at Work
Want to adjust your sleep so you can be more successful at work? Of course you do. As the holiday season approaches, your schedule may be more overwhelming than usual....

Learning a New Programming Language? Find a Coding Buddy to Make It Easier!
If you’re used to going solo when you learn a new programming language but tired of struggling along on your own, consider finding a coding buddy! It doesn’t have to...

10 Tips to Find the Technical Match for Your Company
If you’re looking to hire technical professionals, you may need to review your interview process. That way you make finding the right fit a little easier. These 10 interview tips...

The Best IT Alternative to Tuition Reimbursement
Whether you’re looking to make a move to a new company or looking to encourage your employees to broaden their horizons, tuition reimbursement is a great incentive. That is, if...

6 Ways IT Employers Are Attracting New Talent
Getting a qualified technical candidate through the door has never been more challenging. Tech unemployment continues to sit at notable lows, and the balance of power has shifted towards tech...

The Ultimate Guide to Building a Successful, Productive, and Happy Telecommuting Team
Times have changed in the way companies do business, especially due to the Coronavirus pandemic. Now more than ever, employees and entire tech departments are working remotely. You may be...

5 Phone Interview Tips that Will Help You Move to the Next Step
A phone interview is often the first step in the interview process, but preparing for a phone interview isn’t exactly the same as preparing for an interview. While you should...

Camden Kelly Corporation Announces New Office Opening in the Chicago Area
DALLAS, TX - Camden Kelly Corporation is excited to announce the opening of their newest office located in the west suburbs of Chicago. The office located in Naperville, IL, will...

Eliminate These Productivity Distractions For Your Tech Team ASAP
The technical professionals you employ are always looking for ways to enhance their skills and improve their productivity. But, some of it is out of their control. That’s where you...