Camden Kelly Blog

How to Use ChatGPT for Your Job Search
Using ChatGPT for your job search may not be the first idea you have when you behold the generative AI that's taken the tech world (and beyond) by storm. ChatGPT,...

Which Industry Pays Software Developers The Most?
If your passion lies with the code and the technology you get to use more so than the kind of company or industry you’re working in, you’re in a unique...

Camden Kelly Corporation Announces New Office Opening in the Chicago Area
DALLAS, TX - Camden Kelly Corporation is excited to announce the opening of their newest office located in the west suburbs of Chicago. The office located in Naperville, IL, will...

The Top and Fastest-Growing Programming Languages on GitHub
With over 44 million developers in the GitHub community, this hub of open source development can define programming language trends or at least help us identify the shifting tides of...

California & Texas Have The Most Opportunities for Tech Talent
Employers across the United States are hungrier than ever for great tech talent. But, if we look at data from Burning Glass, which analyzes millions of job postings from across...

The Most In-demand Programming Languages Right Now
If you’re looking to land a great technical job, it’s important to stay up to date with what employers really want right now. Based on millions of job postings from...

The Six Highest Paying Tech Jobs of 2019
If you’re a passionate technologist, you’re probably not just in the IT industry for the money. But it’s always good to stay on top of salary trends and compensation averages...
Machine Learning & Software Engineers Drive Higher Demand & Higher Salaries in 2019
There’s been a high demand for technical talent across all industries for years and 2019 is no exception. Avoiding a lengthy hiring process can save your company more than time,...

Machine Learning & Software Engineers Drive Higher Demand & Higher Salaries in 2019
There’s been a high demand for technical talent across all industries for years and 2019 is no exception. Avoiding a lengthy hiring process can save your company more than time,...

Effective Cybersecurity Measures Start with The IT Hiring Process
Although 2018 didn’t quite reach the heights of 2017, we still saw 6,515 publicly disclosed data breaches that exposed more than 5 billion records worldwide, according to Risk Based Security....